About Us

Hull Community and Voluntary Services (Hull CVS) was established in 1981 with the aim of supporting the development of voluntary and community groups and volunteering in Hull.
Since then, we have continued to prove that we are a forward thinking organisation that constantly evolves to meet the changing needs of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, and leads by example as an umbrella organisation to this wider sector.
We continue to provide the full package of infrastructure support to VCSE organisations that you would see from any local CVS organisation. However thanks to our dynamic team and responsive approach, we are able to offer a much broader range of support, meeting the needs of organisations in the current climate.
Hull CVS are here for you every step of the way. From that initial idea for good that you want to take forward, to attracting funding and volunteers for your cause. If you want to take a step further, we can help you incorporate your cause into a charity or other appropriate legal structure; ensure you have all the governance and policies in place to enable you to attract larger pots of funding; and help you employ staff and provide you with payroll support. We can even provide you with low cost office accommodation at our two city centre buildings; provide your staff and volunteers with core training and skills development; and help you promote your service and evidence your impact through our catered digital services and consultancy offer.
We are the only organisation in the city and surrounding region that provides this comprehensive support that grows with you as your cause grows.
As advocates for community voice, volunteering and community empowerment, we also directly deliver a number of community based projects that utilise our existing infrastructure and experience in these areas. Furthermore, we actively work to attract additional resource in to the local VCSE sector, be it through working with businesses to offer grants and employee supported volunteering to the sector; providing funding pathways from the public and statutory sectors to VCSE organisations; and bringing together networks of VCSE organisations to be better positioned to work in collaboration for opportunities.
Since our very beginnings, Hull CVS has been an embryonic and incubatory organisation, and has been instrumental in the start-up of numerous organisations in our time; as well as the formation of countless key networks. We’re proud to see that organisations that Hull CVS created and floated over 20 years ago are still prominent today and play a pivotal role in the local VCSE sector.
Our Wider Family
In addition to our parent charity Hull CVS, our Group consists of the following diverse portfolio of organisations and assets, which help support the charity’s longer term suitability and helps ensure we can continue to keep providing a responsive offer to the VCSE sector.
Meeting New Horizons CIC
Meeting New Horizons (MNH) is a not for profit Community Interest Company aimed at delivering projects and services that are of benefit to local communities.
Founded in 2011 by Hull CVS, MNH was established as a subsidiary arm aimed at utilising the parent company’s experience of delivering community projects and supporting the VCSE sector in Hull, and extending this benefit across the Yorkshire and Humber region.
In its short history, MNH has been successfully awarded a number of major public sector contracts, and has delivered a number of positive projects in Doncaster, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire, that have covered VCSE sector support, welfare to work programmes and health and social care projects.
You can find more information on our Meeting New Horizons webpage.
Centre 88
Located on off Anlaby Road in Hull, Centre 88 provides incubatory support, office accommodation and training rooms at affordable rates to the VCSE sector. Centre 88 has a special place in our charity’s history, having first being developed by our founding trustees and Chief Officer in 1988.
The Strand
In addition to housing our Hull based services and core operational team, The Strand provides a similar offer to that of Centre 88, with users of the building being able to benefit from being in close proximity to the support and expertise our charity has to offer.
Want to know more about our 40+ year’s history?
For over 40 years Hull CVS has worked to build and support local voluntary services and communities.
You can find more information about Hull CVS on Our History webpage.
Our Staff
Hull CVS and Meeting New Horizons are supported by dedicated teams, using their collective knowledge, experiences and skills to achieve our aims and to support the betterment of local communities throughout the Humber.

Helen Grimwood
Chief Executive

Rachael Fischer
Head of HR and Operations

Samantha Harris
Head of Finance

Carrie Duran
Head of Health and Care Programmes

Dawn Wilson

Tracey Laws
Operations Lead

David Oliver

James Caley

Gina Boardman
Payroll Manager

Leah Barton
Payroll Officer

Melanie Curtis
Payroll Officer

Josephine Paragreen
Payroll Officer

Jess Barron
Finance Assistant

Kersty Smith
Sector Services Manager

Gareth Fletcher
Development and Communications Lead

Benjamin Horth
Training and Grants Officer

Sharon Tummons
Health and Community Programme Coordinator

Katherine Arksey
Volunteer Coordinator

Nicky Parkin
Service Manager

Emma Stewart
Support Officer

Amy Savage
Benefits Advisor

James Dennis
Delivery Manager

Emma Lillico
Project Officer

Symone Tomlinson
Project Officer

Rhianna Smith
Project Officer

Ellie Whitfield
Delivery Manager

Maddy Tweedale
Project Officer

Olivia Stevenson
Project Officer

Jennifer Allen
Delivery Manager (on Maternity)

Lucy Wilkinson
Delivery Manager (Maternity Cover)

Rebecca Price
Project Officer

Tracy Slattery
Delivery Manager

Helen Blow
Project Officer

Susan Care
Project Officer
Our Trustees
The Board of Trustees are responsible for the overall governance of Hull CVS and it’s subsidiaries, and work with our Chief Executive to determine our aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and legal and regulatory guidelines.
If you are interested in becoming a Trustee or would like to know more, please contact hgrimwood@hull-cvs.co.uk.
Our Members
We advocate on behalf of our members and Hull voluntary and community sector as a whole. By engaging with our members and working in partnership, we aim to positively influence strategic decision making, challenge local issues and tackle inequalities. The more members Hull CVS has, the stronger the sector’s voice is within Hull.
Being a member of Hull CVS is completely free and provides additional benefits beyond influencing local changes. As a gesture of appreciation for all the value our members bring to our organisation and wider communities, we provide members with discounted rates on our fee based services.
You can find more information on Our Members webpage.
Quality and Accredition
At Hull CVS we strive to provide high quality services and delivery in all that we do. Our dedicated Quality and Accreditation page showcases the evidence of our commitment to attaining such quality.