Direct Payments Service
Hull CVS delivers a Direct Payments Service to individuals in receipt of a direct payment for their care needs from Hull City Council.
What are Direct Payments?
A personal budget is an amount of funding paid to you from adult social care which you can spend on the services and support you need to help you live more independently. You can use the money to buy services from the council, from other providers, or both.
You can choose to take all or part of your personal budget to manage for yourself and arrange your own care services. The money you choose to use from your personal budget is called a direct payment. If you would like to take control of your support service instead of having it arranged for you, then direct payments may be for you.
Direct payments give you greater choice and control over your life. You decide who is going to give the support you need, and how they will do it. You can use your direct payment however you wish as long as it helps you live independently and safely.
Your support worker will understand how your direct payment is meeting your needs in your support plan.
What can Direct Payments be used for?
To employ a personal assistant (PA) you need the support from Choices and Rights to get started, and your social worker will put you in to contact with them.
Choices and Rights will help you with all elements to recruit a Personal Assistant (PA). This will include arranging a DBS (disclosure and barring service) check, helping you take up references if you wish, and help you set up the insurance you need as an employer (you cannot start any employment until the insurance is in place). You can employ a friend or a member of your family as long as they do not live in the same house as you, and Choices and Rights can help you set up their employment in this instance also.
You can contact Choices and Rights:
Telephone: 01482 878778
Textphone: 01482 370986
There are many care and support agencies in Hull to choose from and it is important that you to choose the one that’s right for you.
If you need support in finding an agency, you can find more information by visiting the Hull Connect to Support’s Help at Home page or by contacting the Hull City Council on 01482 300300.
Through direct payments, you can utilise a mixture of services to meet your care needs. This can include using an agency, employing a PA or using services from the council.
Your designated support worker will tell you more about the options available to you and will assist you in putting in to place your preferred method of care.
Unlike NHS care, adult social care is not free although most people will not be asked to pay the full cost of their care. Many people pay a contribution and their local Council pays the rest. So that the Council can work out what your contribution should be, they will first need to do a financial assessment.
To receive an initial assessment in Hull and understand what you may be eligible for, you can find more information by:
Visiting the Hull City Council’s website or by contacting them on:
Telephone: 01482 300300
Alternatively, you can visit the The Wilson Centre on Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AG.
How we can help
Hull CVS provides the part of the package that enables you to be an employer of a personal assistant, but relieves you of the administration of the payroll.
Our service includes:
- Calculation of monthly salary payments include PAYE and National Insurance and other statutory payments including Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay and Statutory Paternity Pay.
- Paying over of HM Revenue and Customs payments and keeping relevant records in order to process year end returns.
- Production of employee’s payslips and summary sheets for the organisation showing all payments due, including payments to the HM Revenue and Customs.
For further information about our Direct Payment Service, please contact a member of our payroll team on 01482 324474 or via the contact form below: