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End Digital Poverty Day

Edinburgh Street Community Centre are holding an ‘End Digital Poverty Day’ event between 11am – 2pm on Tuesday 12th September as they and other organisations from the city support residents in tackling digital inequality by providing support and guidance in accessing the online world.

Local people will be invited to speak to:

  • KCOM about their broadband offer and the ongoing digital upgrade in the city;
  • CHCP about how they can assist people in accessing health support and prescriptions quickly and effectively on-line.
  • Hull CVS about volunteering and charitable support available to communities and community groups.

Edinburgh Street Community Centre have an outstanding digital suite available to members of the public and wider organisation, and during the event the doors will be thrown upon to showcase the facilities. A Hull CVS Digital Volunteer will be giving IT programme walkthrough from the suite throughout the event.

There will also be free refreshments and nibbles available to visitors, as well as the chance to win a Tablet to one lucky attendee as part of a free prize draw.

Hull CVS are supporting Edinburgh Street Community Centre as part of the Community Centre Network deliver support the Hull Council designated Community Centres with funding from the UK Share Prosperity Funding.

The annual End Digital Poverty Day is a nationwide day dedicated to raising awareness about the pressing issue of digital poverty in the UK. It is organised by the Digital Poverty Alliance and aims join organisations in a collective effort in ending digital poverty and empowering individuals and communities.

Benjamin Horth, Community Centre Development Officer said: “We hope to see lots of people join us at this Event which aims to support residents in gaining access to digital which will enable them to connect, learn, work, and access vital services.

“With this in mind it’s apt that Community Centres – which for decades have played a significant role in developing connections and supporting residents in coming together – continue to be at the forefront. Centres like Edinburgh Street will undoubtedly play a role in making digital connection and opportunities easier via their computer suits, training and links to other organisation who can help address barriers to getting online.”

There will also be information about Age UK Hull training and support groups available for people to start building up their digital knowledge and Hull Libraries digital entertainment offer.

Event details:

Edinburgh Street Community Centre, 140 Woodcock Street. Hull, HU3 3SP on Tuesday 12th September 2023 between 11am and 2pm and is open to all.

For more information and to get involved in the ‘End Digital Poverty Day’ event, please contact Benjamin Horth via email or call 01482 595541.

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