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Time2Volunteer Promotional Video launched with help from Matthew Good Foundation

A new Time2Volunteer promotional film funded by the Matthew Good Foundation has been launched today. The film showcases benefits of the Hull and East Riding Volunteering Platform to volunteers and organisation.

It features Ellie Goodyear from HEY Smile introducing the Time2Volunteer system, Charlotte Park from Age UK Hull and Lucy Johnson from Working for Health who have both used the system to attract new volunteers, as well as Maria who volunteers with Little Victories Football Club which is a Cerebal Palsy and Frame Team explaining why she loves volunteering.

The video was produced by the talented team at Big Picture Charity Films who have produced other charity promotional films funded by the Matthew Good Foundation.

Matthew Wright, Head of Community Development at Hull CVS said:

“We are delighted to have received funding from the Matthew Good Foundation to develop this film. It will undoubtedly help the Time2Volunteer Partnership to promote the volunteer platform at events and across social media platforms. When developing the site we wanted to put volunteers at the heart of volunteering and it has undoubtedly made it easier to find out about the wide range of volunteer organisations and volunteer roles they may never have considered.”

Michelle Taft – Executive Director at Matthew Good Foundation said:

“The mission of The Matthew Good Foundation is to amplify the voices of small charitable organisations, whose high impact work is often unseen and underfunded, a vision which we know is shared by the Hull CVS, HEY Smile Foundation and Time2Volunteer Partners.”

“As well as providing funding to voluntary, community and social enterprises, the Foundation also connects organisations with corporate volunteers and expertise in film production, so we were delighted to be able to help by providing easy access to the funding and connections needed to make the Time2Volunteer film.”

“We are proud to be part of an extraordinary charitable network in Hull and East Yorkshire, and honoured to have been able to play our part in helping Time2Volunteer achieve their vision. We thank the team for their innovation in providing such a valuable new volunteering platform, and look forward to being a part of the thriving voluntary community in Hull as it goes from strength to strength.”

Time2Volunteer ( is an online volunteering system that aims to make volunteering across the area simple, valued and connected.

It is managed by Hull CVS and HEY Smile Foundation and launched to the public in September 2022.  The system has been designed to:

  • Make it easier for volunteers to volunteer.
  • Make sure the volunteer feels valued and has a positive experience.
  • Make sure volunteer organisations are better connected to reduce duplication of services and where possible, remove barriers to volunteering.

It does this by connecting volunteers to opportunities, helping groups establish their own volunteer programmes, and providing tools for organisations to manage the volunteering process.

Today (Thursday 1st June 2023) also marks the start of National Volunteer Week.

It is an annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities.

To mark this locally Time2Volunteer Partners are organising a Festival of Volunteering with a large flagship event on Saturday 10th June 2023 between 12 – 3pm on the ground floor at Princes Quay in Hull. With further Mini Festival being organised across the East Riding (further details here)

The Festival of Volunteering is all about saying thank you to our amazing volunteers, and showcasing the volunteer culture and community in our region.

There will be lots of opportunities to meet other volunteers, enjoy entertainment and performances, grab a bite to eat and a volunteer opportunities fair for those not currently volunteering.

We are also offering a Volunteer Perks Prize draw linked to the event. So if you volunteer in Hull and East Riding you can register for the prize draw and will be in with a chance of claiming a free gift donated by kind organisations in the region.

Volunteers can register now at FREE Prize Draw Registration. Perks include: retail treats, entertainments, sporting experiences, travel, pampering and more. The deadline to register is Saturday 10th June at 6pm and the draw will be made week commencing 12th June.

We are also encouraging volunteers to sign up for free workshops at the festival. They are FREE and volunteers can register using the appropriate link below:

Workshop Area 1

Workshop Area 2

Tables Area

The full Youtube link to view the video is

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