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A part of the wider support we offer VCSE groups is identifying possible partnerships and networks that groups can be involved with.

Hull CVS are active partners in a number of other networks and partnerships across the city. A small number of these are listed below.

Crowd of people talking outside

Our Networks

Be Connected Network

Hull CVS established the Be Connect Network during the pandemic to address and work toward eradicating loneliness and the long term effects of loneliness within the communities of Hull and surrounding area.

By addressing this wicked problem as a collective we aim to share best practice, promote opportunities, increase uptake of liked training, promote available services and help in the securing of additional funding to the area.

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Hull CVS coordinate the bi monthly meeting either face to face or on-line. Currently there are around 50 members who regularly contribute to efforts locally in addressing loneliness.

The Be Connected Network is open to all organisations who work with communities within Hull and East Riding in addressing loneliness and isolation in its various forms.

We ask that members to:

  • Attend meetings or send a representative where possible. 
  • Support one another by sharing knowledge and information – this is a fundamental strength of the network.
  • Commit to sharing the good work of the network – be an ambassador to eradicate loneliness.
  • Share common issues and successes relating to loneliness amongst members.
  • Contribute to the agenda items which are of interest and relevant to members.

For more details about the Be Connect Network or attend a future meeting e-mail

Volunteer Managers and Coordinators Network

The purpose of the Volunteer Managers and Co-ordinators Network (VMCN) is to create an environment to share good quality information on volunteering and related issues amongst its members.

Chaired by the Volunteer Manager at Hull CVS, membership of VMCN is open to people and organisations who work with and manage volunteers within Hull and the East Riding.

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All members in the network are expected to share knowledge and information.

The VMCN objectives are:

  • To share information on volunteer programmes and volunteer opportunities amongst members
  • To share common issues and successes relating to volunteer programmes amongst members
  • Set an agenda which is interesting and relevant to members
  • To share information on training and CPD for volunteers and related roles amongst members
  • To provide the highest possible advice on volunteer programmes and related issues
  • To provide a critical link between local volunteer programmes
  • To raise the profile of VMCN members relating to their locality; expertise; experience; and shared values; and to identify duplication or cross-overs between members
  • To provide responsible advice around volunteering and related issues
  • To advocate for our partners and members in the communities in which we work
  • To represent members on shared strategic issues where appropriate and relevant
  • To distribute information from funders into local network at the earliest possible stage
  • To represent our members organisations and where appropriate, VCSE groups on a national level
  • To share local issues ideas and solutions and identify best practice from the membership.

Currently there are 80 active members in the VCMN. Meetings take place bi-monthly either face-to-face or virtually. If your organisation are interested in joining the network email

Hull Engagers Network

The Hull Engagers Network was established around 5 years ago to provide a place where a diverse mix of organisations across the sectors could come together to share details of events and public engagement opportunity. In so doing it has helped to create a more connected Hull and maximise resources and improved the effectiveness of engagement across the city.

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Currently there are over 60 organisational representatives who meet quarterly to update on key events, activities and opportunities to maximise each organisations reach (as well as request support). The meeting is chaired by Hull CVS and takes place either face-to-face or On-line.

As a member you agree to help promote each other’s activities and share details of opportunities across a private engagers mailing list. This has become a vital way of reaching audiences across numerous areas of operation and locality.

For more details about the Be Connect Network or attend a future meeting e-mail

Community Centre Network

In 2022 The Community Centre Network was informally launched by Hull CVS and Hull City Council to brings together the community centres of Hull and encouraging collaborative working.

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The network meets quarterly with a focus on:

  • Creating stronger governance and support for centre management committees.
  • Increasing Centre utilisation.
  • Improved communication and marketing.

Since the initial meetings Hull CVS have secured funding from the UK Share Prosperity Funding to deliver support to Hull Council Owned Community Centres.

As part of this work Hull CVS will be offering Community Centres:

  • A small amount of funding for community centre events
  • Delivering budgeting/energy efficiency sessions for residents at each venue
  • Holding Volunteer Roadshows at centres
  • Providing training for Community Centre Management committees
  • Development of new marketing literature for them
  • Running a small grants programme for centre capital improvements

Other Networks

Health Champions

The Hull Champions is a Hull Health initiative to support community groups, individuals, and volunteers to create a healthier Hull. It aim to have a Champions across Hull, inspiring and empowering the community to be happy and healthy.

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If your organisation act in some way that will make people in our city healthier, or you have an idea to create a healthier Hull that you need help to get off the ground, then you could be a Hull Champion.

The Hull Champions Programme offers one-to-one support, free training opportunities, and a chance to network with other like-minded individuals and organisations at regular meet ups.

Hull CVS and Healthwatch Hull are both proud to be Health Champions in supporting to make Hull a Healthier place.

If you are interested in becoming a champion contact Chris Mills, The Engagement Manager at NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership via email

Hull Food Partnership

The Food partnership also lead on the Veg Cities Project and are Inequality Food Partnership, as well as being active partners in the actively involved in a local Growers Network. Hull Food Partnership works to connect businesses, organisations and individuals across Hull and the surrounding area.

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Their activities are overseen by a cross-sector steering group which undertakes the the following activities:

  • Promote healthy and sustainable food;
  • Work in partnership to tackle food poverty;
  • Educate about the local food system;
  • Promote vibrant and sustainable food economy; and
  • Aim to reduce Hull’s food waste.

For more information visit:

Hull and East Riding LGBTQ+ Forum

This is a network focused forum for all local LGBTQIA+ interest groups in the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area.

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The forum actively deal with many community issues such as hate crime reporting, sexual health, Pride, LGBT+ history month, museums consultation, community cohesion, faith matters and in many other areas that affect everyday life.

Representatives of the key agencies (e.g. Council, Police, Fire, NHS, Victim Support) regularly attend our meetings as well as community members themselves.

Regular meetings are 2nd Wednesday of the month 6.30pm in The Guildhall, Hull or over Zoom. The group encourages new people and organisations to attend meetings or be added to our contact list.

If you are interested in getting involved email

Older Peoples Partnership Hull and East Riding

Working across Hull and East Yorkshire, this multi-agency partnership promote the needs of older people, coordinating and improving existing services in the region. 

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They also help to find new, creative approaches to problems older people face in the community. This creativity is the driving force behind the Celebration of Older People Week, organised and run by the charity. 

The Charity run a Multi-Agency Partnership forum aimed at promoting the needs of older people. This community of practice supports them in improving existing services for older people and raising knowledge around services for Older People which is accessible and beneficial to all participating bodies 

The partnership meeting takes place on a b-monthly basis and as a member you get regular key updates linked to older people.

In addition members organise and deliver an annual Celebration of Older People Week to celebrate International Older People’s Day on 1st October.

For more information visit:

HEY Confident Futures

HEY Confident Futures is designed to encourage and develop connected, collaborative and generous leadership.

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Anyone interested in the professional development and future leadership opportunities will be able to develop:

  • Themselves: Developing confidence in personal leadership and looking after wellbeing
  • Organisation: Developing your organisation to meet the needs of your community
  • The sector: Creating systematic change regionally, becoming a stronger collective and empowering you to have a voice.

There are two core elements to HEY Confident Futures:

  • A Leadership Network: To grow and nurture a network of people working in the social and cultural sector in Hull and East Yorkshire
  • Leadership Development: A series of leadership development opportunities to suit all individuals.

For more information and to get involved visit:

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