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January to March 2025 Training Courses Now Available!

News and Events

Picture of two people having their photo taken while holding sign that says Time2Volunteer
Hull Community Fund Now Open
The Hull Community Fund is now open for applications. Small voluntary and community groups in Hull (under £150,000 turnover) can apply for funding to address...
Hull CVS Volunteer Academy Programme Launched – Strengthening the foundations of Volunteering in Hull.
On Monday 20th May 2024, Hull CVS are pleased to announce the launch of a bespoke Volunteer Academy Programme to support the Voluntary, Community and Social...
Child Dynamix Acquires Rainbow Nursery from Hull CVS
From today, 2nd April 2024, the two early years childcare settings, Rainbow Nursery and Rainbow Preschool, both based in the Avenues area of Hull, will...
Mitchell Community Centre Hull – Expressions of Interest
Hull City Council are inviting expressions of interest from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations who are interested in taking...
Hull & East Riding Devolution Information Event
Forum CIO, Hull CVS and the HEY Smile Foundation are working in partnership with Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to highlight a...
Talking Tables Relaunch
Hull CVS are relaunching the Hull Talking Table Scheme that encourages café customers to strike up a conversation with a stranger at a breakfast briefing...
Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Devolution Public Consultation
A proposed devolution deal for Hull and East Yorkshire was announced, as part of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, on 22 November 2023. A consultation...
Be Connected Loneliness Conference
Hull CVS are teaming up with partners across the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to shine a light on loneliness at the Be Connected...
Briefing session on the new and enhanced Hull 4 Funding service
On the 18th September Hull City Council are launching a new and enhanced version of the Hull 4 Funding Portal.
End Digital Poverty Day
Edinburgh Street Community Centre are holding an ‘End Digital Poverty Day’ event between 11am – 2pm on Tuesday 12th September as they and other organisations...
Volunteer to make a difference with VoiceAbility
VoiceAbility supports people to have their say in decisions about their health, care and wellbeing. Could you give a few hours a week to help people speak...
Hull International Carnival 2023
The Hull International Carnival returns in 2023 (HIC 2023) to the City of Hull on Sunday 6th August 2023. 
The new Hull CVS website has been launched!
Over the past few months, we have been evaluating these results to shape how our communications should look and feel moving forwards. Today, we’re launching...
Creation of a Volunteer Forum
Hull CVS are looking to create a volunteers forum to provide the opportunity for volunteers to come together to share views and experiences and increase...
Join in the summer fun at Pearson Park
All of the following activities and events at Pearson Park in August are FREE so come along and get involved!
Looking to set up a charity bank account?
Setting up a bank account for your organisation may be a new venture and not you are not sure where to start. Charity bank accounts are open to a range...
Trustee Welcome Pack and Resources
Alongside the training which we can provide at Hull CVS, Bitesize Good Governance for Trustees, provides a starter training session for new and existing...
Selling, leasing or otherwise disposing of charity land
In June, the Charity Commission has updated its requirements for charities looking to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of charity land.
Loneliness Conference
In June, Hull CVS attended a loneliness conference organised by MyBabble, in order to bring together professionals across different sectors, including...
Smile Trustee Academy
Becoming a Trustee is a great way to use and develop skills and give something back to the local community, helping to make the charity sector stronger...
Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund
The funding is expected to provide an estimated 1,000 new defibrillators in community spaces across England.This could include town halls, community...
The supermarkets offering free unrestricted funding
Leading supermarkets partner with online fundraising company easyfundraising, to give your voluntary group, charity, or CIC a way of receiving funding
Time2Volunteer Promotional Video launched with help from Matthew Good Foundation
A new Time2Volunteer promotional film funded by the Matthew Good Foundation has been launched today. The film showcases benefits of the Hull and East Riding...
Yorkshire Energy Park Community Fund Launched to Support South West Holderness Community
Tomorrow (Thursday 30th March) Yorkshire Energy Park (YEP) will launch a new £20,000 per year Community Fund, aimed at supporting local community groups...
Hull CVS awarded Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation
Hull CVS is delighted to be one of the first five organisations nationally to have successfully achieved reaccreditation of the new Volunteer Centre Quality...
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